Before starting a company or project, it is essential to validate your idea, that is, to verify if it is really viable in the market. In addition, validation is an interesting process because it can make your imagination flow and, with it, insights that can improve the design of your company or your product.
Entering the main theme of this text, let's then comment on some of the aspects that explain why it is essential to validate ideas and projects with specialists in the subject.
First, it is essential to talk about an important data, validated by the renowned Forbes: 90% of startups fail to advance for reasons that can, yes, be mapped. Soon, it is clear that help from experts on the subject increases the chances of success, due to the knowledge and experience of specialists.
From the first steps, help is important and necessary. Experts in the field can be important players in the brainstorming process. That is, when the project is being created, with its missions, values and goals in the short, medium and long term, it is important that there is consultation with those who already know the movements of the market.
Thus, a very aggressive but utopian plan is avoided, as well as the creation of a very shallow idea that does not develop optimally, generating little future gain.
Another important factor of using the experience of a specialist is in relation to the model adopted for the business. On a more detailed level, professional help leads to better choices about which technologies to use, for example.
And it's exactly the details that will make all the difference so that your project doesn't fall into those 90% we talked about earlier. A well-chosen software, a marketing strategy that reaches the target audience precisely, generating a range of customers quickly, the creation of a brand (logo, slogans, etc.) that really convey the desired message. All this, well organized, will make total difference.
Can you see, therefore, the importance of validating your project with specialists? There are many points to be attacked for success. Therefore, it is very difficult for the creators of the idea to be able to make all the choices perfectly by themselves. With the help of those who have experience and know the subject, this becomes much easier.
Finally, there is still the factor that, using the help of someone from the outside, who comes in with the intention of analyzing your project, it is possible to broaden your vision and your range of ideas. After all, many times, the owner of the idea follows a vision based on his knowledge. The more variety of thoughts, the more chances that your project will not be vitiated by the look of a single reality.
Therefore, it is quite evident, from all the topics mentioned, that it is essential to validate your project with an expert. With humility and wisdom, breeders increase the chances of success and can, in the long run, win in every way, increasing their knowledge in management, in addition to greater financial profit and recognition in the segment market.
Have an idea and need help? count on our experts.

Jun 16, 2023 8:53:52 PM | entrepreneur The importance of validating your project with an expert
O mundo atual, com mercados muitas vezes saturados, exige criatividade das pessoas. Por isso, pensar em projetos e ideias é um passo importante e necessário para a busca por um crescimento sustentável. Ainda assim, alguns pontos são importantes de serem salientados. Por exemplo: a importância de validar seu projeto com um especialista.