Previous augmented reality apps focused on direct tactics to facilitate sales, but augmented reality can also be used as part of an indirect sales and marketing strategy. We can use this tool to improve the status of our own brand of products, companies and services.
Creating an innovative, unexpected, or fun augmented reality experience can result in significant buzz for a brand if executed correctly. Augmented reality is a relatively new phenomenon for most people, which means that a well-designed augmented reality experience will get people talking and generate lasting memories. Since people prefer a brand that keeps them happy and satisfied, that kind of exposure and customer goodwill can pay lasting dividends.
A perfect example of using augmented reality to create buzz would be a Pepsi campaign situated in a bus station. Pepsi allowed users to access augmented reality next to the bus station wall. Users were treated to the sight of a marauding tiger, UFOs and robots running loose. Feeding the boredom of waiting for a bus with a well-done augmented reality experience, Pepsi thus managed to generate buzz and strengthen its brand. Another example of well-applied buzz was what the Esporte Interactive channel did in Brazil to publicize its broadcast of the Champions League final on Facebook, it took advantage of a tweet from the player Neymar in the previous game and, using all the expertise of, created quickly created a filter for instagram so that any user could use it supporting the player. Result: Neymar himself posted the filter being followed by other celebrities, thus generating millions of impressions. And its event was a real success, with 4.2 million viewers on Facebook, the Champions League final becomes the biggest live in history to date.
By employing strategies like this, companies can generate millions of dollars in earned media. In a competitive market, an augmented reality campaign can be the differentiator that allows a brand to stand out from its peers and create sustained discussion and name recognition.
Interested in learning more about how augmented reality can help your brand in a viral marketing strategy? See other cases on the company website.

Jun 16, 2023 8:50:43 PM | Trends Create a buzz around the brand
Discover how augmented reality can boost your sales and marketing strategy. Create innovative, fun and memorable experiences, generating buzz and strengthening your brand. Discover success stories